$27 New Patient Package

Includes comprehensive consultation, examination, digital images (if necessary) and doctors report of findings.
*Certain restrictions apply. Does not apply to personal injury, work injury, medicare, medicaid and some local insurance policies. Call for details.

Hello Grand Rapids!

We have a special offer to help you out with your low back pain. Just fill out the information below to claim your offer.

Or Call (616) 975-1100 To Schedule

Do You Have Low Back Pain?
Our Team Is Here To Help
Low back pain can be completely debilitating. You may find yourself hunched over and not able to stand up, or it hurts when you attempt to make any movement. 
You are suffering, that is a fact.

The seemingly simple things we take for granted everyday become all but impossible. Putting on socks, tying our shoes, opening a door or even rolling over in bed can trigger the pain.

Low back pain is one of the most common ailments experienced in our population.

Many years of uncorrected spinal stresses or injuries to the body may over time become symptomatic. You may overlook the day to day aches and pains as a normal part of the aging process, but if left untreated, this pain can lead to more serious problems, such as a lumbar disc herniation.

A lumbar disc herniation typically presents itself through low back pain and leg pain, and is often described as sharp, stabbing, or piercing. It can also lead to weakness, numbness and tingling into the foot or toes, and aggravation can occur after bending, twisting, or lifting an object. A disc herniation can be referred to, often incorrectly, as many things: a ruptured, torn, slipped, or collapsed disc, disc protrusion, disc disease, black disc, compressed, or blown disc.

The disc is a strong component of the spine, and it is believed that previous damage to the disc causes degeneration to start. Over time, this will allow the nucleus, the jelly-like centre of the vertebra, to push through the annulus, the more fibrous area inside the vertebrae. The disrupted disc then releases inflammatory molecules, and if a nerve root is also compressed it can lead to decreased reflexes, foot drop, or inability to stand on the tip-toes. However, not all disc herniations cause pain.

It is important to understand the exact cause of your low back pain so that the appropriate treatment can be administered. Many people seek relief on their own and often look at treatments that are usually just a band-aid solution to a much larger underlying problem. 

We approach your low back pain individually, working to figure out the exact cause of your low back pain and then providing individualized recommendations to help you get better, and stay better.

When you arrive at our office with low back pain, our team of practitioners perform an extensive case history, a detailed and specific examination based on your condition, and, if necessary, appropriate imaging, such as X-Ray and MRI, are obtained. It is through this detailed process that we investigate and diagnose the exact cause of your low back pain.

We then recommend and provide appropriate treatment based on your condition to get you healing as quickly and effectively as possible.

Every individual is unique and your condition should be treated as unique. 

We want to help you with your low back pain and we have worked successfully with many cases of low back pain.

If you find yourself suffering from low back pain and are looking for thoughtful recommendations and effective treatment, click the button below or call us today at (616) 975-1100.
Grand Rapids Family Chiropractic proudly serves the Grand Rapids, Michigan area. Unlike the traditional healthcare model, we take a holistic approach to your health and wellness. We treat common conditions such as neck pain, back pain, sports injury, joint pain, pregnancy discomfort and more. We can tailor a chiropractic care plan to suit your needs. 

Grand Rapids Family Chiropractic is conveniently located at 6771 Cascade Rd SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. 
MEET OUR Chiropractor
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“I had been experiencing chronic lower back pain for the past couple of years and it was slowly getting worse. I stated affecting my work and the things I like to do. I finally decided to go to a Chiropractor and see what they can do to help me. After a few adjustments I can already feel the difference. Going to the Chiropractor was a good decision for me, it was the right step to being a healthier me."
- Ava -
Chiropractic Patient
"I have to say that I am so glad that I started Chiropractic Care. I have noticed such a difference in the way that I stand straighter and for years I have been having problems with my shoulders and lower back getting sore. 

And now they feel great."
- Kristina -
Chiropractic Patient
"I used to have periodic and random pain shooting down my leg and up my back. It usually occurred when I bent over to pick something up and would almost paralyze me for a moment.

Since I started getting Chiropractic Care I have not had any pain in at least 6 months.
- Kyle -
Chiropractic Patient
*Testimonials on this site are specific to individual experiences. Results may vary from patient to patient.
8:00 am - 11:00 am 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm 
8:00 am - 11:00 am 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm 
 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm 
8:00 am - 11:00 am 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm 
By Appointment Only
Grand Rapids Chiropractor | Grand Rapids Family Chiropractic
6771 Cascade Rd SE,
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

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